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MSI - The Next Playground

Product Launch Event

We are thrilled to collaborate with MSI again and challenge the possibility of the product launch event again. The overall concept is that humans break through the real-world framework and transmit the human spirit to the virtual world. Though the future is different in everyone’s imagination, what we have in common is the exciting feelings of unknown challenges. In the future, we will meet online and create our own universe.



Role: Creative Director/ Art Director

Produce by Hui Kai Su

Opening Film




Touch Designer

Product Launch Event

LED Light Show

Main Video

Stage Design

Product Display Design


Full Credits

Client | MSI 微星科技

Produce by Hui Kai Su


Creative Director | 蘇暉凱 Hui Kai Su
Executive Producer|陳時銘 Thomas Chen
Assistant Director 副導 | 許大牌 Eunice Hsu
Producer 製片|林承瑋 Cheng Wei Lin
Line Producer 執行製片|謝欣玲 Hsing Ling Hsieh
Production Assistant 製片助理|王仁佑 Jen Yu Wang、張詠絜 Jessie Chang、陳品樺 Pin Hua Chen、

卓立群 Li Chun Cho




拍攝團隊 Production Crew 


Cinematographer攝影師|湯育宇 Yu Yu Tang
B Camera|許聖鑫 Sheng Hsin Hsu
C Camera|馬崇智 Chung Chih Ma
1st Assistant Camera攝大助|郭志平 Chih Ping Kuo
Assistant Cameraman攝影助理|劉易修 Yi Hsiu Liu


Gaffer 燈光師|陳賢文 Hsien Wen Chen
Best Boy燈光助理|陳賢元 Hsien Yuan Chen、王建銘 Chein Ming Wang、鐘明杰 Ming Chieh Chung、

賴勇元 Yung Yuan Lai


Production Designer美術指導|鄭鉫叡 RUEI
Art Assistant美術助理|李瑀晏 YUYAN
美術場務Location Assistant|李宗庭 Tsung Ting Lee、陳政翰 Cheng Han Chen、李文宗 Wen Tsung Lee


Costume Designer造型師|李秈穎 Hsien Ying Lee
Costume Assistant造型助理|林辰軒 Chen Hsuan Lin、廖于瑄 Yu Hsuan Liao


On set Sound Mixer 收音師|許政高 Cheng Koa Hsu
Sound Assistant收音助理|許涵晴 Han Qing Xu

Prompter 提詞機|林怡汶Yi Woon Lin 


LED 燈光執行|金珠 Pearl、戴瑞賢 Darry Tai、Niellia

Location 場地|鴻臣影視製片廠 Hong Chen Film Studio




後期製作 Post Production | 沸騰了映像有限公司 FILMTAILOR STUDIO


剪接師 Editor | 邱鈺婷 CHIU YU TING


時間軸影像製作有限公司 Timeline Studio
後期專案管理 Post-production PM | 陳映芳 CHEN YING FANG
調光 Colorist | 周佩儀 PENNY CHOU
調光助理 Color-grading Assistant | 郭娟寧 KUO JUAN NING 何冠儀 HO KUAN YI


頑特效影像有限公司 DarkFlame Studio
專案管理 Project Manager | 林孝勇 Hsiao Yung Lin
特效合成Compositor | 楊孫昇 Suen Sheng Yang
特效協力Compositing Assistant | 陳妍蓁 Chen Yen Chen  溫皓宇 Wen Hao Yu  江定澤 Jiang Ding Ze




開場形象影片 Opening Film|空集設計 Nulls Design

Creative Director | 蘇暉凱 Hui Kai Su
Director|劉承杰 Jie Liou
Art Director|劉承杰 Jie Liou、蘇暉凱 Hui Kai Su
Ideation | 蘇暉凱 Hui Kai Su
Script|劉承杰 Jie Liou

Producer|董建潁 Jhin Dong

Producer Assisant|劉映妤 Yingyu Liu

Storyboard|董十行 Steven Tung
Styleframe Design|洪嘉震 JiaZhen Hong、岳乙宏 Hakurei Neko、邱柏鈞 Children Chiu、陳禹盛 Yuson Chen

Motion Design|洪嘉震 JiaZhen Hong、岳乙宏 Hakurei Neko、邱柏鈞 Children Chiu、余鐵非 Tiehfei Yu、

陳禹盛 Yuson Chen
VFX|邱柏鈞 Children Chiu

Touch Designer Creators|吳秉聖 Ping-Sheng WU、劉承杰 Jie Liou
Compositing|蘇暉凱 Hui Kai Su、劉承杰 Jie Liou、洪嘉震 JiaZhen Hong、岳乙宏 Hakurei Neko

Logotype Design | 宋政傑 Cheng Jie Sung




動態影像設計 Motion Graphics


2D Motion Graphics | 夏埤基 Summer T、温凱翔 Sean Wen

3D Monitors Film Design | 高明碩 MingShuo Kao
3D Monitors Film Animation | 蘇暉凱 Hui Kai Su




Sound Design | 音樂、聲音設計

盧之浩 G_HöW 、郭赫元 Kaku¥en 

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